Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Corner: Seize the opportunity | News, sports, jobs

Climate Corner in Mid-Ohio Valley (Photo Illustration/MetroCreative)

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) released a report last year for the year 2022 and it included a scorecard of all states, West Virginia and Ohio ranked 44th. States were judged in several categories, such as transportation policies and state government initiatives. Both states scored poorly in every category except the “building an energy efficiency policy,” While neither state scored particularly well in this category, some credit was given for having building codes that promote energy savings, strictly enforcing these codes, and offering incentives for building energy savings in new homes and businesses.

Both states scored particularly poorly in the “Utility and public benefits” section that looks at investments in energy production efficiency and how these can be passed on to users, especially low-income homes, and the health and pollution implications of the utility sector. Both states scored a zero in favor “Efficiency standards for appliances and equipment and clean lighting.” Historically, states have taken the lead in setting standards for appliances and other equipment, and by setting efficiency standards they have forced manufacturers to produce more efficient equipment. This score also relates to lighting. There is much room for improvement in Ohio and West Virginia if states were to adopt efficient lighting requirements, such as for street lighting.

Now you might be wondering, what does all this have to do with the title? “Seize the opportunity?” While our states may not want to do the right thing and invest in opportunities to improve energy efficiency and quality of life, they can.

IRS.gov, Energystar.gov and other sites have a wealth of information on how to get federal income tax credits for making home improvements that will make your home more comfortable and reduce your energy consumption. These tax credits are available through 2032 and have an annual limit of $3,200. I was able to save $1,100 on my taxes this year due to the replacement of an exterior door and windows. Why companies that constantly advertise their windows don’t mention this incentive is beyond me.

There are many more household items or improvements that qualify for tax credits and I encourage you to check the websites for more information, but anything that can save energy qualifies, even electrical panels so you can upgrade your electrical service to to deal with this. the increased load to switch from, for example, a gas heater to an electric heat pump, or to install a charging station for electric vehicles. Most, if not all, improvements must be Energy Star or have a certain efficiency rating to qualify for tax credits. There are also tax incentives available for renters.

Both states offer home weatherization assistance to low-income families, and West Virginia’s website points to a program that comes to help with energy-efficient appliances.

An energy assessment or audit of your home by a trained professional would be a good start. Some utilities, such as Appalachian Power, offer this service for free and may provide additional cost savings for energy efficiency improvements. If you pay for an audit, you can also receive a tax credit for it.

By improving the energy efficiency of your home, you can reduce your energy bills, make your home more comfortable and healthier, increase the value of your home, and of course, make your home more environmentally friendly. There is no better time than now to seize this opportunity.


Vic Elam is a member of Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action, an avid outdoorsman and contributor to organizations that share his concern for our environment and the children we borrow from.

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