Anniversary Award: Norfolk First Responder recognized with BEM

Image caption, Nathan Liberman is on call at night and on weekends

  • Author, Laura Devlin
  • Role, BBC news
  • Reporting from Norfolk

A volunteer community first responder who has been called to more than 7,000 emergencies, saving many lives, has been recognized in the King’s Birthday Honours.

Nathan Liberman, 58, from Holt, has been awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) for his 17 years of service to the NHS and the community in North Norfolk.

From Sheringham, he drove ambulances during the pandemic, working with paramedics and other emergency services colleagues to provide emergency care to patients as quickly as possible.

Mr. Liberman said he was “honored and humbled” and thanked his family for putting up with the many interruptions to their evenings, meals and social lives while he responded to those in need.

“I am proud to be a first responder with the East of England Ambulance Service and working alongside other great volunteers,” he added.

“I am extremely proud to have helped in the fight against Covid-19, when our most vulnerable residents needed our help and support.”

Other recipients of the Birthday Honors include Patricia Pinnington, a 77-year-old from King’s Lynn, who received the BEM for her services as a girl guide over the past 60 years.

The volunteer had “dedicated a lifetime” to shaping the development of young people, with girls from her department traveling around the world, the Cabinet Office said.

  • Alan Twiddy, 62, from Holt, has been awarded a BEM for services to higher education after providing technical support to students at City College Norwich for 36 years
  • John Fitzgerald, 62, from Norwich, consultant clinical scientist and head of audiology at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) for the past 26 years, has been awarded an MBE for services to audiology and healthcare sciences in Norfolk
  • Prof Nicholas Levell, 62, from Norwich, a consultant dermatologist at NNUH for 30 years, has been awarded the MBE for services to the care of people with skin disease
  • Paul Metcalf, 82, from Norwich, chairman of the Norfolk Beekeepers Association for more than 20 years, was awarded the MBE for services to beekeeping