Actress Biodun Okeowo Posts Dazzling Pre-Wedding Photos

Nigerian actress and filmmaker Biodun Okeowo, better known as Omoborty, has taken the internet by surprise with her traditional pre-wedding photos.

CorrectNG recalls that the ravishing movie star got engaged to her fiancé Ademi during a dinner date in March 2024.

In a viral video, Ademi got down on one knee and shy Biodun stood up. She extended her finger for him to put the ring on, before they kissed each other’s lips.

The 44-year-old actress expressed her gratitude for the journey ahead, vowed to love her partner forever and affirmed that God’s timing is the best.

“Grateful hearts, united in love, Christ our rock and foundation. God will make things right in His time. Thank God for this beautiful journey ahead of us. I will love you forever ADE MI”, Biodun had a caption.

Omoborty posted a series of heritage-themed photos on her Instagram page on Monday, July 8, in preparation for their yet-to-be-announced wedding date.

She wrote; “Embracing our heritage and celebrating the love in every thread. Our journey together begins with the beauty and elegance of tradition. 💕 …Blending tradition with love…Sekere ki’rode ibanuje ❤️.”

See the message:

Okeowo was previously married and had two children with her ex-husband. The two children currently live in Canada.

More photos below: