Civilian kidnapped, over 300 trees burned in occupied Afrin

A local source from occupied Afrin reported that mercenaries from the “112th Division”, affiliated with the Turkish occupation, kidnapped 40-year-old Mannan Mohu Naasan, a resident of Damliya village in Mobata district of occupied Afrin.

The source pointed out that the citizen was kidnapped just days after arriving in his city, despite paying $3,000. He was taken to Hawar Kilis prison, with no information about his fate.

Another source stated that the mercenaries of “Ahrar al-Sharqiya”, who are also affiliated with the Turkish occupation, set fire to more than 300 fruit trees, including apricot, cherry and olive trees, belonging to the residents of the village of Altaniya in the Rajo district of occupied Afrin. This act is part of the ongoing demographic changes and destruction of nature.

The source added that the villagers had filed a complaint against these mercenaries with the occupation authorities, but the complaint was immediately rejected.

The Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries continue to try to bring about demographic changes and destruction of nature in the areas they occupy. They want to change the identity of these regions, expel the original inhabitants and settle their mercenaries there.