The novel by the author of Fight Club that needs a film adaptation

If you already hate everything Tender Branson stands for in Chuck Palahnuik’s SurvivorThings get much, much worse as the story progresses. While other surviving members of the Creedish Church decide to catch up with their fallen brethren in the afterlife, Tender and his estranged twin brother, Adam, become the only remaining survivors of the death cult, and Adam desperately tries to take out Tender before committing suicide. While attempting to kill Tender, Adam inadvertently poisons his assigned rescuer with cleaning chemicals.

While Tender and Adam are constantly at odds with each other in Chuck Palahnuik’s SurvivorTender is picked up by an anonymous publicist who offers him a platform so he can talk about his upbringing and the horrors of his religious sect, of which, as far as they know, he is the only remaining member.